Juggling the demands of homeschooling and homemaking (and many time working) can be a real circus act sometimes if I'm being honest! As a former daycare provider who used to watch 10 kids (including my own) 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, I got really good at structuring our days and creating a 2 hour naptime for the kids and a quiet time for me. We have carried this practice into our homeschool days and it has been so essential to not only our success as a homeschooling family, but it has allowed me to work so we can homeschool our kids, and it's also been a wonderful break in the day for our kids.
In this episode, I share why we implement quiet time, what we do during that time, and why I think this part of the day can be very beneficial to all homeschool families if they are able to make it work!